It's Monday, April 18th. Whatcha Reading?

We're halfway through April, guys! I can't even believe it. Each year goes by faster than the last. And I'm not happy about it. However, I am happy that I can reasonably assume we've had it with the snow. We had a couple of storms last week which was pretty lame... But the forecast looks pretty good this week. And (fingers crossed) it will only get warmer!

I'm also pretty excited because I should be getting some big bucks back on my tax return (!!!!) and I'm looking for apartments with a friend! Going to move out (hopefully!!!) and give adulting a try. We'll see how it goes.

In case you were wondering, I've joined the Hamilton tribe. I got the album on Apple Music and have been listening to it non-stop for the last couple of weeks. SO GOOD. HOW DID I NOT LISTEN TO IT BEFORE. So, yes, lovely folks of the internet, you have led me right and I thank you for it.

As for what I have been reading--it hasn't been a lot. But that's okay. Because things in my life are fairly awesome right now and I've been loving the books that I have been reading. Yay! Actually, now that I'm looking at it, I haven't made a Monday post in a couple of weeks so there are quite a few things that I have read since then :P

I finished up Black Apple by Joan Crate last week. It was a thought-provoking coming of age story about one girl's search for identity within a system that stripped hers from her. Thanks to Simon & Schuster Canada for providing a copy for review. My full review will be up later this month!

Next I moved on to No One Knows by JT Ellison. This is a mystery thriller novel that is one of the She Reads spring picks. While I enjoyed the writing and flew through the book, it wasn't really my kind of thriller. There were too many twists for me to keep my disbelief suspended. I like a good twist, but, honestly, one is enough for me. Full review coming later this week!

From there I picked up two books on the theme of sexual assault for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I read the contemporary classic Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson and the new release Exit, Pursued by a Bear by EK Johnston. I really enjoyed both these novels and definitely think they are worth a read.

Finally, I devoured The Winner's Kiss by Marie Rutkoski, the final book in the Winner's trilogy. It was perfect. I loved it. What a great and strong ending to an amazing series. If you haven't picked this series up yet, you really should! It's so good. The characters are really strong and well crafted. The plot is exciting, filled with action and political intrigue. The romance is super swoon-worthy with zero instalove! This last instalment was a great ending.

Right now I am reading Asking For It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture and What We Can Do About it by Kate Harding. (I also have a few other things on the go but that's my main read). So far this book is really interesting, thought-provoking, and anger-inducing. You should definitely pick this, or another on the same topic, up this month! There are so many myths surrounding rape and sexual assault! You may inadvertently accept some of them! Some time this month, take some time to educate yourself more on this topic. It's really important and will likely come up at some point in your life, as awful as that is. 1 in 5 women and 1 in 70 men in America will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

Well, that's all for me, folks! What are you reading? 

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